Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 2: Night Night Challenge

Well, I've been getting a rough start at this so far, but making every effort to get to bed around 10.  It has been kinda difficult since there is quite a bit of activity at the house around that time.  The first night I didn't get to bed sleep until 2 am.  I had too much caffeine too late though, even four benedryl couldn't knock me out.  I woke up at 9, 10, and 11 am.

Last night was a little better, but I had to use a sleep aid as well and fell asleep somewhere around 11 pm and got up at 10 am.  Feeling pretty good, but still want to sleep.  It could be the drugs making me groggy.  I would like to be able to not use those anymore!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Night Night.*** CHALLENGE***

Bout to drop off to sleep, but wanted to write a little first.
The goal this week is to sleep.  A LOT.  As much as I possibly can, so I'm keeping this short.  There are numerous studies about how sleep affects quality of life.  Lately, I've been watching mine decline.  As much fun as I been having at night, I'm learning to live it up during the day and make hay while the sunshines, then sleep.  It's so foreign to me, like a country I never heard of.  Sleep is that long distance friend I always want to catch up with, but rarely ever do. 

Over the next 30 days I will be tracking my progress by keeping a sleep journal to document any changes and improvements.  I'm hoping there will be several!! Join me if you like, it might be fun :) We can share our dreams, or just how it affected our mojo!
I'm hoping it just makes us more awesome :)

Night. Night.